Ukrainian Jungian Association (UJA) is the professional organization of Jungian analysts.
The first legitimate Jungian association in Ukraine, Group membership with Training Status of the International Association of Analytical Psychology (IAAP). The official representative of the IAAP in Ukraine (UJA, GM of IAAP with Training Status)
Between March and June 2022, ULA held several open lectures, some of which you can view on the ULA channel.
admin2022-08-15T14:10:22+03:00Between March and June 2022, ULA held several open lectures, some of which you can view on the ULA channel. Alexander Ostrobrod, an Israeli expert on working with PTSD and trauma (Trauma and Resiliency center NATAL) with involvement of Batya Brosh Palmoni conducted three open webinars on the topi...
Report Elena Pozdeeva at the Latvian conference of psychotherapists: “War in the practice of psychotherapists”
admin2022-08-13T18:41:47+03:00Report Elena Pozdeeva at the Latvian conference of psychotherapists: "War in the practice of psychotherapists". Topic: "Black or white? The complexity of moral choices during the war." The report presented reflections on how the war affects the choices of each person, on the points of support in ...
UJA publishes a report on its activities for the period March 2022 – July 2022.
admin2022-08-15T14:16:41+03:00UJA publishes a report on its activities for the period March 2022 - July 2022. you can see the link.
Here we want to give you an update on the involvement of the IAAP in Ukraine and also to mention projects organised by colleagues.
admin2022-08-15T14:43:37+03:00Updates from Ukraine Here we want to give you an update on the involvement of the IAAP in Ukraine and also to mention projects organised by colleagues. Updated Statement The day after the invasion on February 24, we posted a statement on the IAAP website where we expressed our deep concern ...
Presentation by UJA presenter Inna Kyryliuk
admin2022-08-15T13:40:08+03:00Presentation by UJA presenter Inna Kyryliuk at the #WithUkrainianJungians Solidarity event, May 21, 2022, which was organized by English colleagues Catherine Cox and Catherine Hinds and the Organizing Committee as a sign of solidarity and support for Ukrainian Jungians during the liberation war. ...
Colleagues from ULA are very grateful for support 50 Jungian communities
admin2022-08-12T10:45:46+03:0050 Jungian communities from different countries found words to express support for Jungian analysts and all the people of Ukraine. Colleagues from ULA are very grateful for the involvement of their colleagues and really appreciate the community and support in this difficult time. You can read the le...
The invasion of Ukraine
admin2022-08-12T10:37:29+03:00The International Association strongly supported Ukraine. You can get information from the bulletin: support for the Ukrainian Jungian field, financial support, organization of events, posting 50 letters of support from colleagues from communities around the world, posting letters from presidents on...
Letter of thanks from the President of UJA, Inna Kyryliuk
admin2022-08-12T10:24:51+03:00On February 24, 2022, the President of UYUA, Inna Kyrylyuk, wrote a letter to the IAAP and the presidents of the national analytical communities of the world about the situation in Ukraine after the Russian invasion. The IAAP and national communities expressed strong, immediate support for Ukrain...
“Basic program on analytical psychology by C.G. Jung” in Vinnytsya
admin2022-03-31T16:21:53+03:00Since October 2020, UJA members have been holding training of analytically oriented psychologists within the collective program “Basic program on analytical psychology by C.G. Jung” in Vinnytsya. The goal of this training course is to provide program participants with systematized t...
Сompletion of the training program “Basics of Analytical Psychology and Jungian Psychotherapy”
admin2022-03-31T16:17:55+03:00Congratulations on successful completion of the training program "Basics of Analytical Psychology and Jungian Psychotherapy" that lasted from September 5, 2019 till December 23, 2021. The first training stage of Inna Kirilyuk's author program on analytical psychology recommended by ...
The first official meeting of all certified analysts in Ukraine, the individual members of the International Association of Analytical Psychology (IMs of IAAP) took place in November 2016. 9 colleagues who had known each other for long years and who had worked shoulder to shoulder in many development projects, in the projects widening the field of analytical psychology in Ukraine, had come together to discuss the new stage of the nearest perspectives – the creation of a professional analytical society of certified analysts in the country. Different clinical experience, different ways in life and various views were united by the desire of professional rallying and uniting around the common purpose.
The collegial circle and the undoubted value of each colleague became the basis for the becoming of the new association. UJA has gone through painful crises of growth and has encountered the tragedy of the loss of a colleague, and in all this in has kept the value of connections by means of a durable collegial circle, its intentions and professional values since the beginning of its history.
This stage of the becoming has given the members of association an opportunity to look for and experience the ethical position, with the exit from the plane of responsibilities and the theory into the daily vital activity and the practice of acceptance and mutual respect.
Looking back now, when the UJA is already the Group Member (GM of IAAP), every member of the association can say that the ethical analytical position is the basis of our union, the choices and the measure of all our steps in development.
UJA fully shares the IAAP Policy about non-discrimination, which provides the professionals with the multitude of views, the acceptance of difference and the openness to the new.
The acquisition of the legal status of a professional union in Ukraine has given us an opportunity to get the official acceptance at the international level among colleagues. It is the evidence that the UJA shares the values of the international professional society and it follows the standards of the development of analytical psychology in Ukraine in the mutually beneficial partnership.
UJA takes an active position in the support of education and professional development of specialists in analytical psychology. The participation in the new international and regional projects is important for the members of the association. It creates the unity among the members of the UJA and the supporting professional matrix for the transition of the experience and the knowledge from the previous generation of analysts to the following, from our teachers and tutors to our students and supervisands.
UJA honours the professional traditions and respectfully treats the rules inside professional societies and the collegial culture and ethics.
Members of the UJA are active participants and speakers at international and regional conferences and congresses. They actively research, work in clinic and in education.
The same as before, when in the years of education the colleagues grew and developed together, now the young society Ukrainian Jungian Association is growing and developing under the protection and care of mutual attempt.
Currently the UJA has the privilege of sufficient time for natural growth and maturing of the training analysts for the professional society of the future, the society with the training status. The prospective of receiving the training status for the society inside the country is what will be done by the current UJA members and with all the colleagues who follow, who are going to join the UJA later on.
The fateful investment into the creation of training as the future professional analytical education in the country at the high international level is the result of the activity of the creative colleagues. This is the possible professional investment into the development of the country and the well-being of its citizens.
A significant event took place on August 31, 2022 at the XXII International Congress of Analytical Psychology in Buenos Aires (Argentina) – the Ukrainian Jungian Association received the status of the IAAP Training Community. This provides an opportunity to start a new era in the development of analytical psychology in Ukraine.
UJA is the young growing organization open for the development and collaboration both inside the analytical field and outside in. We welcome the affiliation of certified Jungian analysts to our organization as the new members.
UJA is guided in its professional activity by the Community Organization UJA Statute, the Constitution of UJA, the Ethical codex of UJA and also by the Constitution of IAAP, the Ethical codex of IAAP, the IAAP Provisions on non-discrimination and the IAAP Group Membership Guide.