An open guide to Ethics

for members of the Ukrainian Jungian Association

This manual is the description of minimal demands of the International Association of Analytical Psychology (IAAP) for its members based on the Ethical codex of IAAP and UJA. For more detail it is recommended to contact the ethical committee of UJA.

I. The relationship between the analyst and the analyzand.

a) Analyzands should be protected from being abused by the analyst. The examples of such abuse are: a sexual relationship with the analyzand; termination of the therapeutic relationship with the purpose of starting a sexual relationship; financial operations beyond the usual contract payment for the consultations, psychotherapy or analytical sessions.

b) Confidentiality of the analyzand and the analytical material should be protected. Making public the materials revealing the analyzand is unacceptable. The materials of the analysis can be revealed with th consent of the analyzand.

c) The analyst can’t practice under influence of drugs or alcolol. The analyst should also restrain from practice in the condition of acute somatic or psychic illness. The conditions listed above influence their work negatively.

II. The relationship between the supervisor and the supervisee.

a) The supervisor shouldn’t use their authority or credentials implied by this relationship. The examples of such abuse of power include sexual relationship with the supervisee or financial operations beyond the usual agreement about payment for the supervision as long as the supervision relationship lasts.

b) The supervisor shouldn’t practice under influence of drugs or alcolol. The supervisor should also restrain from practice in the condition of acute somatic or psychic illness. The conditions listed above influence their work negatively.

III. The procedures of handling complaints on ethical issues.

a) Complaints will be answered in a settled time stated in the procedures. This information is available at the ethical committee of the UJA and is offered on request.

b) The applicants and the persons against whom the complaint is applied will be timely informed about the names of the persons handling the issue, the members of the ethical committee, and they will have an opportunity to challenge the participation of these persons with the possibility of changing them for the other members of the ethical committee.

c) The issue remains confidential and the personality of the applicant and the person against whom the complaint is applied can be revealed only in accordance with certain set procedures. The information is offered by the ethical committee of UJA on request by the authorized bodies in the order set by the rules and law.

d) It is possible that the applicant and the person against whom the complaint is applied are listened to in person.

e) The sanctions available to the ethical committee can vary from recommended excuses, warnings or rebuke to expulsion from the association.

f) The informing of the applicant and the person against whom the complaint is applied about the results and the consideration of the complaint take place in time according to the set procedures.

g) The final decisions made by the association about restraining from work or expelling an analyst from the association for ethical reasons must be announced by the association to all other Group Members of IAAP where the sanctioned analyst has membership.

h) In cases when the association with the training status provides analytical training the participants of this training are under the jurisdiction of the ethical codex of the association.

i) The restraint from practice or quitting the association by the person against whom the complaint is applied by itself does not hinder the final resolution of the ethical complaint».