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В бюллетене вы найдете планируемые мероприятия связанные с Украиной на конгрессе в Буэнос- Айресе.

in the billuten you will find planned events related to Ukraine at the congress. announcement of events held and planned in autumn. Updates from Ukraine Here we want to give you an update on the involvement of the IAAP in Ukraine and also to mention projects org...

Presentation by UJA presenter Inna Kyryliuk

Presentation by UJA presenter Inna Kyryliuk at the #WithUkrainianJungians Solidarity event, May 21, 2022, which was organized by English colleagues Catherine Cox and Catherine Hinds and the Organizing Committee as a sign of solidarity and support for Ukrainian Jungians during the liberation war. ...

The invasion of Ukraine

The International Association strongly supported Ukraine. You can get information from the bulletin: support for the Ukrainian Jungian field, financial support, organization of events, posting 50 letters of support from colleagues from communities around the world, posting letters from presidents on...

Letter of thanks from the President of UJA, Inna Kyryliuk

On February 24, 2022, the President of UYUA, Inna Kyrylyuk, wrote a letter to the IAAP and the presidents of the national analytical communities of the world about the situation in Ukraine after the Russian invasion. The IAAP and national communities expressed strong, immediate support for Ukrain...