During the period from April to August, members of the UJA had regular meetings with our foreign colleagues.

During the period from April to August, members of the UJA had regular meetings with our foreign colleagues.

During the period from April to August, members of the UJA had regular meetings with our foreign colleagues.

With Henry Abramovitch, UJA members received much heartfelt support, using active imagination. With Warren Coleman, UJA members felt a sincere concern and restoration of our ability to think during a period of trauma; with Jan Winner, listening to the lecture part members of UJA reflected on our shared history of development and contemplated the present situation; with Tom Kelly members of UJA reflected on ethical norms, the individual and the collective, the ability to maintain analytical standards during a time of war.

All of our colleagues are very supportive of our attempts to maintain mental health and integrity during this difficult time.

UJA expresses its gratitude to them.