The invasion of Ukraine

The invasion of Ukraine

The International Association strongly supported Ukraine. You can get information from the bulletin: support for the Ukrainian Jungian field, financial support, organization of events, posting 50 letters of support from colleagues from communities around the world, posting letters from presidents on the website, invitations to upcoming international events dedicated to Ukraine.

The invasion of Ukraine

On February 24 Russia invaded Ukraine and started a war which is unfortunately still going on and which has caused widespread destruction and loss of life.

The IAAP has since then been busy trying, in several ways, to support the Ukrainian analysts and routers. The IAAP Officers are in close contact with the two Presidents of the Ukrainian groups, Inna Kyrilyuk from The Ukrainian Jungian Association, UJA and Valentina Samus from the Ukrainian Developing Group, UDG as well as with the IAAP Regional Organiser, Grazina Gudaite, and the IAAP Liaison Person, Batya Brosh Palmoni. We continue to work on allocating funds, where and when needed, and to support the crucially important help projects and crisis interventions.

Right from the start, we have been doing our best to keep our membership informed, via website and emails, about what has been happening and about what has been done to alleviate the suffering caused by the war.


Immediately after the invasion the Executive Committee of the IAAP posted a Statement on the IAAP website where we expressed our serious concern about the disastrous situation in Eastern Europe, especially in Ukraine, and our deeply felt sympathy and solidarity with the affected Group Members, members of Developing Groups, and their families, friends and fellow citizens in the region.

In the statement we expressed intention to support the psychological care for the affected and hurt people in the region with the donation from IAAP and also by collecting donations from the membership. The donations can be made via the donation button on our website.

When we first posted the statement right after the invasion, we expressed our hope that the peace of land and soul would return to the region very soon.

Unfortunately, this is not what has happened. The war goes on, we continue to support our colleagues in Ukraine and have prepared funds to help them in the much-hoped-for peaceful times. Our thoughts are with all people in the region affected by this war who are suffering because of the political decisions they do not have the power to influence.

Support Letters from IAAP Group Members, Developing Groups and Allied Organisations. On the IAAP website we have by now posted 50 letters of support for our colleagues in Ukraine. Our Ukrainian colleagues continue to let us know how much this support by colleagues from all over the world means to them.

Letters of thanks from the presidents of the two Jungian groups in Ukraine.

On the IAAP website in the Latest Announcement-field you can find the letters of thanks from the two Ukrainian Presidents: and

Psychological care for colleagues in Ukraine

A few days after the war broke out in Ukraine, several help programs were already initiated. A crisis councelling program with international experts in crisis response and trauma management, an online service #TherapistforUkraine, and guidance, moderation, group work, individual therapy and supervision etc. by colleagues from Israel, Lithuania, the UK, Poland, Czech Rep., Bulgaria, Italy and others. Please follow this link for more information:

We do not have the full overview of all the work that is being done, so in case you are offering assistance and are not mentioned on the webpage, please send an email to so you can be included on the page.

We truly understand that our Ukrainian colleagues are doing the biggest work and are carrying the heaviest burden of this enormously terrible experience of the war.

Financial support

The IAAP continues to support both groups in Ukraine with substantial funds. The groups then themselves distribute the funds, which may be spent on psychological care, crisis intervention as well as on survival needs, such as medicine, food, blankets etc. The IAAP also pays directly for crisis programmes organised from other countries. In addition to financial support coming from the IAAP reserves, we here want to thank our many members for their very generous donations via the IAAP website. We also gratefully mention a substantial donation made by the charitable Fund for the Advancement of Jungian Psychoanalysis, FAJP,

We have by now sent substantial amounts to both Ukrainian groups but we have also been able to save a considerable amount for future needs, which will no doubt also be necessary long after the war has ended.

Other activities

Two important online meetings have been organised around the issue of the war in Ukraine:

On March 11 the Analysis and Activism group organised a free A&A TALK with Dmytro Zalesky, titled: HISTORY OF NOT INDIFFERENT CITIZENS IN UKRAINE – INSIGHTS FROM KIEV: A NEO-JUNGIAN APPROACH TO THE RUSSO-UKRANIAN CRISIS. The event was recorded and may be watched on this link

The other event was a meeting of the European IAAP presidents, organised by Batya Brosh Palmoni from Israel and Natalia Pavlikova from Russia, dedicated to the testimonies of Ukrainian and Russian analysts.

We are happy to announce an important upcoming event which takes place online on Saturday May 21st, comprising a presentation by Ann Ulanov, a Social Dreaming Matrix with Helen Morgan and a spectacular auction providing an opportunity to bid for an hour on Zoom with a number of prominent Jungians. More information on the Save the Date flyer via the link below. Booking will open after Easter. Please check the IAAP website.


Books: ‘Making the Unsayable
